Identifying Sentence Errors: 8/8
It's/Its: 20/20
Literary Devices-Practice 1:21/26
Literary Devices-Practice 2:7/7
Literary Devices-Practice 3:10/10
A Raisin in the Sun-Practice 1:17/25
A Raisin in the Sun-Practice 2:16/16
With no land in sight
Stabilized, but yet I live
I'm not here by choice
My Guardian Angel led me here

Moby Dick is my biggest fear
I have weapons but yet my brain is too contorted to
use them correctly
Combination of the tin man and Cowardly Lion
I have no heart or courage to steer the ship home
The treasure is almost in sight
But yet I fight with my own emotions
It's a clear path and all I need is too simply realize I'm captain
Now or never
Yet I choose to walk the plank
Shark bait
Emily would use many allusions. The concrete jungle (traffic) represents life continuously passing by and trying to figure out my purpose here on earth. I feel as though Ms. Dickinson would probobaly 
Progression is slow
I'm tired now

What's taking so long?

What are we waiting for?
Where are we going?
Is it worth the wait?

Tired adults and hungry youth
Lets get off on the next exit

Wait keep going until the tank is on E
Can't give up
Expectations  are too high
To stop the drive
But I'm fueled off of lies
Why am I alive?

I give up


    "It might be easier to fail with land in sight, than gain my blue peninsula, to perish of delight." Emily Dickinson had a deep intriguing meaning to every poem. Things the average human wouldn't think of, she would not only bring to light, but unfold how it can relate to life in itself. That alone makes Emily Dickinson stand out and above other poets.  

     An overall summary of this book in one word is magnificent. Honestly words can't describe how much this book influenced me to become a philosopher. This book honestly helped me mature mentally. The poems were short but meaningful. 

     I can't go into much detail as to why I chose this book. It was the only book left that I could comprehend in such short amount of time. Glad I chose this book though. I'm astonished that none of my other classmates chose this excellent book.

    There are many uses of dashes and unconventional capitalization. She takes small unnoticed subjects and gives them a deeper meaning to life. She finds the gist of everything that is usually found insignificant.

     "When she was eighteen, Dickinson's family befriended an attorney Benjamin Franklin Newton. According to a letter written by Dickinson after Newton's death, he had been "with my Father two years, before going to Worcester – in pursuing his studies, and was much in our family."Their relationship was probably not romantic, Newton was a prime influence and would become the second in a series of older men (after Humphrey) that Dickinson referred to, mostly, as her tutor, or master. "-Some of this is from Wikipedia.

      Experience was my first poem. The title explains that she has been in a dangerous place. Which gives her experience. She is at sea,walking on wood which is over water.  The plank and sea and plank describe different obstacles in her life. Walking the plank almost reminds me of suicide. I guess that's another way to look at this. You will also notice the many allusions used in her art.

     The crazy drunk with a dream, willing to risk self-pride for
  that dream. There were three different versions of this story. Question is, who
  played the best version of Walter and why? What was the story even about? Well,
  the first question may even be what the title has to do with the story. Everybody has dreams, each of us. It may be one thing or another. Including Walter, you know, the dream of owning a liquor store. His family's circumstance isn't the best, but yet he won't give up on his dream. One thing about life is it's not scripted.Your plans may not end up being reality, things always change. Walter and his family had plan but their planned course was altered. In summary, their dream shriveled up like
A Raisin in the Sun.
     Another amazing thing about this story is that a movie was made of it three different times!Therefore I'm handed the honor of picking the best actor who played Walter. The easy choice for me was Danny Glover. Now, I'm sure some might not agree. You know, you might think he over exaggerated a few lines. I, for one, would have to disagree. His acting skills portrayed the most realistic probability that might have happened during this time. Before I brag about Danny Glover I would like to state what I didn't like about Sean Combs and Sydney Poitier.

     Sean Combs didn't even seem like an actor. Anyone of us simple minded people could have done as good of a job or even a better job than him. Especially in the seen when he was on his knees in front of the family. Remember, the one where he was trying to act like he would be a monkey for the white man?
I honestly don't see how there wasn't a better actor to play his part in 2008.

   Sidney Poitier was the first actor to portray Walter in 1961.
He wasn't the best, but wasn't actor either. He did have some talent.The argument could be made that he spoke  way to fast. Poitier accent made it difficult to understand him at times.. I loved his facial
expressions when he was silent at one point I can see his lips moving but words
were held in. That gave me the feeling that he often searched for words through his thoughts.Like his brain was moving to fast for him to speak.Money can do that to us all,so that was one thing I liked. In the beginning Poitier displayed great concern interest in the money,which is understandable.  Sidney
Poitier wasn't bad but I don't think he truly displayed a typical black man starving for money at that current time.

After I graduate high school, I'm highly interested in joining the Military, specifically the Air Force.To be honest, I'm not 100 percent sold on the idea yet, but as of right now, that might be the best option. I want to go to college;The Air Force will pay for it. I want to get paid;The Air Force will pay me. I don't want to be an average citizen or human being;Join the Air Force. Although this is a good idea for now, I'm still pursuing my dream of becoming a college athlete in any sport I desire. My dreams and goals are to big to fit in this blog. I want to become a music artist,producer,actor,chef,photographer,professional athlete,sports journalist,coach,recruiter and much more. My dreams go on and on. With that being said, my dreams and ambition make it hard for me to settle or fail in life and I will always strive to be the best I can be in whatever field I choose.
Why do you think websites create guidelines for posting comments? Because they went to keep it clean.Plain and simple. Do you think people who post a comment should have to leave their real name and e-mail address? Yes because then they might be more careful on what they post.Which rules do you disagree
with? To be honest, I agree with every single rule.Do you think that online commenting is a good way to engage in conversation? Yes, I do, because you never know who you may come in contact with.
I went to google and typed in "How much do professional track athletes make."Went to and decided to read some comments. After reading the comments, I came to the conclusion that the comments were humerous, but also had a lot of factual information.
What happens when I type my name into google?Nothing appears when I type my name into google.Why not? May be because I'm not known for any thing bad nor good. May be because I'm not as active on social media websites as some of my peers.May be in large part do to the fact that there is a well known professional football player "Antonio Chatman". Honestly I'm kind of glad I'm not all over google with my business spreaded to the world.
Social media is a big part of todays generation. Sometimes, as mentioned in "College Prospects are Being Watched on Facebook and Twitter," youth jeapordize their future by what they put on social media websites. Yes, social media is a good way to connect, but if you misuse it, social media can ruin your reputation. It used to be that people judge others off of their first impression. Now it's based off of what you may post on certain websites."College Prospects are Being Watched on Facebook and Twitter" mentioned how coaches and parents are making their own social media accounts to better understand as welll as connect to young athletes. Personally, I encountered a social media hurdle back in December. I made a bad decision and shared something on Instagram that was inappropiate and faced consequences. I ended up being released from Chamblee's basketball team. I regret my mistake, but I feel as though I have become a better person for it.
I chose this satire because it appeals to my age group and it seems to be a hot topic these days. The arguement I'm trying to make is that sometimes as teenagers, or young adults, (ages 14-28) we focus on fashion way too much. The sacrifices some people are willing to make for a pair of shoes is just unreal. In my video, for instance, I spoke about how I would rather live in an apartment full of Jordans rather than live in a mansion without any Jordans.(I used wit). Like I mentioned before, this was directed to young adults, ages 14 -20. My decision to make a video instead of any other basic choice was that I wanted to stand out, as well as the fact that when I become an adult, I want to be in front of a camera everyday. This was obviously a satire with my many statements of sarcasm. The three literary devices I used included sarcasm (I know that one wasn't on this list but please excuse that),also parody because I imitated many fellow classmates of mine,as well as a hyperbole because I over exaggerrated many times.Thanks

    Antonio Chapman

    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


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